Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Regi Leaks : Quid Bro Quo

"On 15th April, 12:15 my dad called me and gave me the unfortunate news. I had to leave in a few hours and in the terrible state of mind, I asked two of my friends to talk to the administration. The Registrar said that he will get some deemed through a legal channel and that I can leave...

April 27th on the Thervi of my mother, the news of me getting debarred came out. Me and my dad left on the same day and reached college the very next day., The registrar was an [****] to my dad. He changed his stance and said that he always meant 66% and above. He didn't even once mention 66% while I was leaving.

They kept stalling me. I went to them everyday and they kept saying that they are trying to find a way. Nothing positive.

One of the faculty members, when the debarred list came out, told my batch mates that she will show the attendance register and I can see if I can apply the deemed. Then the next day she said that she will only show it to me. Then the next day, when I too reached there, she said that she needs to ask the registrar to show me the register.[ Wow it rhymes: registrar trapped in the register] And that really never happened."

Given above is a real life account of one of my favorite juniors who is one the thousands of victim of absolutely arbitrary attendance rule of National law University in particular and many other premier Institutions in general.

We have seen people bunking classes all year yet excelling in all spheres of academics and extra curricular activities. We have witnessed people having 100 % class room attendance with earphones plugged into their ears, reaching new high scores in subway surfer, and reading a copy of Freakonomics in economics class and finding hard to sail through semester or with equal ease as the case may be.

Although today any information is just a click away, role of class room teaching can not be undermined, more so when we have the fortune of getting taught by one of the finest faculty members in India and abroad. However we need to press the pause button here and introspect for a while, whether following the letter of law is important or the intent of the black letter.

If a student meets with a fatal accident and yet coming to attend classes on wheel chair to satisfy the quota of 70 % [ True story of one of my dear friend] or is coping with a situation as severe as death of a loved one [ as cited above] or is busy organizing a college fest or  an international moot and toiling his sweat and blood to save the reputation of college [ who got debarred and yet bagged a 7 figure job at Trilegal, which is one of the most sought after firm] or dealing with any situation of life whatsoever, Isn't it high time that college administration has to rise beyond what is printed in Bar council rules and exercise it's discretion for such cases for the betterment of not only those who deserve better than this treatment but for the overall development of the college itself ?

When all of us, including faculty members know that this is prima facie wrong then why don't we do something about it ? It's one of the most premier law school of the country for Christ's sake ! If we won't fight for our own justice inside the campus, what are we going to do outside the boundaries of NLU except adding zeros to our bank accounts.

It's not that we have not tried protesting against all this in the past but fear of debarment and academic loss has held us back and made us fearful. We forgot the teachings of Vivekananda that "Strength is life and weakness is death."We don't even need to go back to vedas to get motivation for doing what is obviously right. Just open a can a mountain dew kyunki " Darr ke aage jeet jeet hai".
 [Aur uske aage Sushreet hai]*
{*Srk top floor private joke}

If Kanhaiya Kumar, a simple Phd Student can Challenge Namo, If Bhagat Singh can make himself immortal at the young age of 23 to inspire generations why can't we come together to change this draconian rule of our own college which is managed mostly by students alone.

We stand by the college whenever it's reputation is in peril. But we expect the same when college itself screws us over. As Barnie Stintson would say " There has to be Quid Bro Quo"

It is the duty of the final year students, more so who are placed and NLU is basking in the glory of their success to act as as eye opener ( like we open our cans) and start discussing these issues at serious level because it directly affects every individual and their families associated with NLU.

As Karl Marx would say " Students of NLU Unite because you have nothing to lose except your attendance"

And Gandhi will softly add " They will have my debarment letter but not my consent !"

Let no other student lose a year and face the humiliation that one has to suffer due to some act of God. let the talent bloom and not rot in darkness of shame.  Let there be light even underneath the lamp.

We keep talking but do nothing. To conclude I would like to quote a great philosopher Mr. Aravinda Vishwnath who says these simple words " It's all cool, in here, NGS "

Anal you Ka Dhoom Dhadaka..Hu Ha Hu Ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!