Piyush Mishra's voice -
" Out of all the arrangements in the universe, sitting arrangement inside classroom is one of the most interesting to observe.There are several classes within a class. Allow me to give you an insight of an average classroom arrangement in NLU , taking my own class as a sample.There are three rows ( Middle, Left wing and Right wing) and broadly two kinds of people -Moderate and Extremists in most classes. Extremists are further classified into Academic extremists and Bakchod extremists ".
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----End of Narration. Now the Scene
The middle row is first occupied by these Academic Extremists. They are the most ferocious note takers and will write the fuck out of every lip movement and sneeze of the teacher.They wont miss a single information, as important as Mononita Ma'am in environmental law class saying " water is essential for life" or OP Sir in his spring fitted legs waving his hand to "cloze the door, right ?".
"Water is Essential For Life !"
They make the professors conscious as everything coming out of their mouth is going 'on record'. Academic extremists will report sharp at 8:30, when the bakchod extremists are snoozing their alarm for 10 minutes, and their attendance will be 98 % even in Souvik sir's class ( 2 % deducted by Souvik to avoid suspicion). That row will also consist of people who will have no idea of what's going on in class but will oscillate their head faster than the speed of light giving an impression that no student ever gained more knowledge and that's how they become favorite of the teachers.
This row should be granted a special status under Artilce 370 that except under matters pertaining to notes, syllabus and marks they will concur with the rest of the class. Their cartel is so strong that you will never get to see their notebook. If a moderate, who doesn't mind sharing his notes, asks their notes to update some points, they will act like Shylock and make him sign the bond of not sharing his work anymore after taking their help. He is later seen chanting like a Zombie "One of them, one of them" depriving us of any notes for the end terms and I end up saying " Et Tu Bro...then Fail NGS ".
The rear part of the middle row will consist of intellectual Bakchods. Juxtapose their row-mate they will make sure that their ear is protected with earphones from any bullshit said in class and eyes are fixed on their fictional or non-fictional content.They prefer knowing what Dan Brown and William Dalrymple has to say rather than Mario or Chota Bheem and are seen with copies of Freakonomics in economics class. But they are always ready to join the class discussion whenever the situation demands so.
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The rear part of the left row is booked by Party People. Babes, Booze, Beaches,Boobs, Beers, Boxers will be all they talk about except offcourse football. They will make a trip or two to Goa, Pushkar or some MUN's in the middle of the semester and still score decent. They literally follow Mallya's mantra of work hard and party harder. They will however be louder than Prof Yogesh Pai in the class.
Then comes the right wing. I will call it the Android row. Unlike academic extremists they don't use their smart phones to record lecture. Every one is seen looking at their crotch with full concentration and even if the teacher is dictating the end term syllabus, their primary concern is whether to upgrade the Jet pack, buy Yutani or ask for a life in candy crush. The owner of the device, however never gets to use it.
This row has no front population as it remains vacant and however congested and uncomfortable it may be, everyone is concentrated in the rear end .When asked to come forward, they use AC vent, fan or pigeon shit as an excuse. They are those unsung and unaccredited heroes who rescue the class from the torture by shouting "Sir Tomorrow, Sir tomorrow" as soon as the lecture exceeds 40 minutes.
The Napsters are common in the rear end of all the three rows. A view from the backside resembles the control room of Inception where everyone is busy on a top secret mission in each other's dream within a dream.
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Teachers have got used to this arrangement and adopt the policy of Laissez Faire. Unless you have someone like AKS who makes sure that everyone has brought his copy of Bare Act and Bennion under his Sarva Siksha Abhiyaan, no one cares what they are doing in the classroom. Lets just hope that things remain the same.
So... which Class do you belong ??
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